Closed activities

15 results

  • Planning Application Validation Requirements

    Our Validation requirements list sets out the documents that are required when submitting a planning application, as well as what elements are required within those documents. For example what plans are needed for what types of applications, what is required on each plan etc. As part of reviewing our validation requirements we wanted to consult with interested stakeholders on the changes we are proposing. Below is a summary of the proposed additions to our validation... More
    Closed 10 May 2023
  • Local Wildlife Site Review Nominations

    Local Wildlife Sites are areas of importance for nature conservation at a local level and are selected according to a specific set of criteria. Although they receive no legal protection, these sites must be considered by the Council before allocating them as land for development and when determining planning applications. Local Wildlife Sites are identified and selected locally using scientifically determined criteria and detailed surveys. Specific criteria are used for identifying... More
    Closed 12 May 2023
  • Community Engagement Workshops

    Residents are invited to get further involved in helping shaping the future of the borough through attending one of a series of workshops that will help us gain greater insight into people’s views on their local area. To attend a workshop please book a space. The dates and locations of the workshops are as follows: Venue Date and Time The Paddocks (Canvey) ... More
    Closed 17 July 2023
  • Castle Point Plan - Your Community, Your Views

    COMMS INTRO VIDEO TO GO HERE The Council is talking and listening to communities across Castle Point to ensure residents’ views are central to shaping the borough in the coming decades. Understanding what people value and would like to see improve in their area, will be at the heart of a plan to guide development up to 2050. Once complete the Castle Point Plan will act as a framework to help inform planning decisions and the Council has pledged t o give... More
    Closed 31 August 2023
  • Castle Point Open Space Assessment Survey

    We have commissioned an open space assessment and are undertaking engagement with residents about how you use and value your local public open spaces and recreation facilities and what might improve their attractiveness to local people. The results will help us to understand the needs and aspirations of local people regarding the open space and recreation facilities in the area. This will help the us and our partners to plan for future provision based upon clear evidence... More
    Closed 17 September 2023
  • Local List of Heritage Assets Nominations

    As part of the preparation of the Castle Point Plan, the Council is asking residents what they value about their local towns. This is your opportunity to nominate buildings that you value for their historic, architectural or cultural importance. They could end up on a register of local heritage assets, which have more protection against unsuitable development. These local heritage assets are not included on the national lists of 'Listed Buildings' and 'Scheduled Monuments'. They... More
    Closed 24 November 2023
  • Election Cycle Consultation

    We’re interested in your views on whether we should change to ‘whole-council elections’ every four years starting in May 2024, or retain the existing system of ‘elections by thirds’. The change would see the whole council elected at the same time at one election every four years. Following the meeting of Full Council on 11 th October 2023 it was agreed to consult on the proposal to change Castle Point Borough Council elections to a four year cycle. ... More
    Closed 18 December 2023
  • Mayors Award 2024 Nomination Form

    The Castle Point Mayors Business Awards are an annual celebration to showcase and recognise the achievements of local businesses and entrepreneurs in the borough. Anyone can nominate a business or an apprentice. Only businesses with a trading address within the borough of Castle Point will be accepted. Entries will be judged by an independent panel, and all shortlisted nominees will be invited to a celebratory presentation lunch with the Mayor in March 2024. ... More
    Closed 26 January 2024
  • Biodiversity Net Gain

    In 2021 The Environment Act was passed into UK law. This Act was introduced to stop the decline of species by 2030 and introduces a mandatory minimum Biodiversity Net Gain of 10% within any future development. This will ensure that such developments will improve or create new habitats for nature. What is Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)? BNG is a strategy to stop any loss of nature. It is a way to allow the development of land but guarantee that it contributes to the... More
    Closed 5 February 2024
  • Essex Parking Guidance Consultation

    The Essex Planning Officers Association are carrying out work to revise the parking standards guidance to inform new development across Essex. The EPOA began consultation between October and December last year. To build on a positive start to the consultation they would like to ensure they have a balanced set of views which include the development industry who are expected to be one of the main users of the guidance. Parking guidance is referred to in... More
    Closed 6 February 2024
  • Fare Increase Consultation

    An application for a tariff increase has been submitted to Castle Point Borough Council. The fare increase option we are asking you to vote on has been submitted by Castle Point Taxi Association. The Taxi Association after an initial consultation with their members has given us their preferred option for full consultation. If accepted the proposed fare tariff will be mandatory for Hackney Carriages only but is also used by some Castle Point Operators to calculate fares. If you... More
    Closed 16 February 2024
  • Canvey Island Town Centre Market - Feasibility Study

    Castle Point Borough Council is keen to improve Canvey Island's Town Centre Market. Using funds secured from the Government, the Council has commissioned The Retail Group, a leading independent markets consultancy, to undertake a study to provide a future growth strategy and action plan for the market. The objective is to make Canvey Island's Town Centre Market better for consumers, traders and town centre businesses. More
    Closed 22 March 2024
  • Castle Point Design Code - Community Consultation

    Castle Point Borough Council is working to produce a borough wide Design Code. A Design Code is a set of simple, concise, illustrated design requirements that are visual and numerical wherever possible to provide specific, detailed parameters for the physical development of a site or area. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) makes clear that all local planning authorities should prepare design guides or codes consistent with the principles set out in... More
    Closed 7 April 2024
  • Validation Requirements - Stakeholder Engagement

    Our Validation requirements list (Attached below) sets out the documents that are required when submitting a planning application, as well as what elements are required within those documents. For example what plans are needed for what types of applications, what is required on each plan etc. As part of reviewing our validation requirements we wanted to consult with interested stakeholders on the changes we are proposing. Below is a summary of the proposed additions to our validation... More
    Closed 28 May 2024
  • Tenant Satisfaction Survey

    Castle Point Borough Council Housing Service are committed to providing homes that are affordable, safe and secure, which tenants can be proud to call home, as well as contributing to healthy and safe neighbourhoods and communities. We look to continuously improve the ways which we deliver services to our are residents to meet their diverse needs. The questions asked will be used to prepare an annual report to tenants of Tenant Satisfaction Measures detailing how we have performed over... More
    Closed 23 June 2024
15 results. Page 1 of 1