Local Wildlife Site Review Nominations

Closed 12 May 2023

Opened 11 Apr 2023

Results updated 19 Jul 2024

18 residents nominated a combined total of 12 different sites for consideration as Local Wildlife Sites.

These nominations were passed to the Council's ecology consultants for review and assessment.

Site survey work to inform the review and assessment was undertaken at the optimium time of year for the type of habitat/s each site comprises.

The Local Wildlife Site Review and updated Register following this review can be found below:

Local Wildlife Site Review 2023

Local Wildlife Site Register 2023


Local Wildlife Sites are areas of importance for nature conservation at a local level and are selected according to a specific set of criteria. Although they receive no legal protection, these sites must be considered by the Council before allocating them as land for development and when determining planning applications. 

Local Wildlife Sites are identified and selected locally using scientifically determined criteria and detailed surveys.

Specific criteria are used for identifying Local Wildlife Sites in Essex which have been devised by a range of organisations involved in nature conservation across the County.

Local Wildlife Site Selection Criteria

The last full review of Local Wildlife Sites in Castle Point took place in 2012. At that time 42 Local Wildlife Sites were identified in the Borough. A further seven sites with the potential to become Local Wildlife Sites were identified. 

We are now undertaking a review of these Local Wildlife Sites and potential Local Wildlife Sites to understand how they have changed over time.

This review provides the opportunity to determine if there are any new Local Wildlife Sites in Castle Point. That is any new sites that have evolved with habitats or species populations that now meet the selection criteria for a Local Wildlife Site. 

We will be asking organisations with a nature conservation interest to nominate potential sites. We also want to give residents the opportunity to identify to us any sites they believe meet the selection criteria, and should be considered as part of the Local Wildlife Site Review.  

We would therefore like to know about any land that you believe may qualify as a Local Wildlife Site. The types of habitats that could be designated as part of this process include:

  • Broadleaved Woodland
  • Species rich grassland
  • Coastal and freshwater wetlands 

Sites that support significant populations of rare wild flowers, reptiles, amphibians, uncommon breeding bird species, roosting bats or invertebrates may also be suitable.  

Why your views matter

We know that our local residents have a diverse range of interests, and there will be residents who are interested in nature conservation and know a lot about  wildlife sites in Castle Point. These people have a key role to play in helping the Council identify those wildlife sites that are important and should be protected.

All nominated sites will be assessed and where appropriate visited to see if they meet any of the selection criteria.

What happens next

Each site nominated will be reviewed in order to determine whether it should be a Local Wildlife Site.

Local Wildlife Site Reviews take up to 12 months to occur, as each site has to be surveyed at the best time for the habitat it contains. We therefore expect to publish the results of the review in 2024. 


  • All Areas


  • Community groups
  • Young people
  • Working Aged People
  • Retired People
  • Older people
  • Women
  • Men
  • Major housebuilders
  • SME builders
  • Local agents
  • Charfleets Industrial Estate
  • West Canvey
  • Manor Trading Estate
  • Stadium Way / Rayleigh Weir
  • Town Centre Businesses
  • Local SMEs
  • Ports


  • local plan
  • Castle Point Plan
  • Open Spaces
  • Biodiversity