Your Community, Your Views

Welcome to the Castle Point Engagement and Consultation Hub.

This site shows you opportunities to get involved and have your say on things in Castle Point that matter to you.

Live and recently updated activities are displayed below or you can search the full list of activities by keyword, postcode, interest and more.


Closed activities

  • Tenant Satisfaction Survey

    Castle Point Borough Council Housing Service are committed to providing homes that are affordable, safe and secure, which tenants can be proud to call home, as well as contributing to healthy and safe neighbourhoods and communities. We look to continuously improve the ways which we deliver services to our are residents to meet their diverse needs. The questions asked will be used to prepare an...

    Closed 23 June 2024

  • Validation Requirements - Stakeholder Engagement

    Our Validation requirements list (Attached below) sets out the documents that are required when submitting a planning application, as well as what elements are required within those documents. For example what plans are needed for what types of applications, what is required on each plan etc. As part of reviewing our validation requirements we wanted to consult with interested stakeholders...

    Closed 28 May 2024

  • Castle Point Design Code - Community Consultation

    Castle Point Borough Council is working to produce a borough wide Design Code. A Design Code is a set of simple, concise, illustrated design requirements that are visual and numerical wherever possible to provide specific, detailed parameters for the physical development of a site or area. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) makes clear that all local planning...

    Closed 7 April 2024

  • Canvey Island Town Centre Market - Feasibility Study

    Castle Point Borough Council is keen to improve Canvey Island's Town Centre Market. Using funds secured from the Government, the Council has commissioned The Retail Group, a leading independent markets consultancy, to undertake a study to provide a future growth strategy and action plan for the market. The objective is to make Canvey Island's Town Centre Market better for consumers,...

    Closed 22 March 2024

  • Fare Increase Consultation

    An application for a tariff increase has been submitted to Castle Point Borough Council. The fare increase option we are asking you to vote on has been submitted by Castle Point Taxi Association. The Taxi Association after an initial consultation with their members has given us their preferred option for full consultation. If accepted the proposed fare tariff will be mandatory for...

    Closed 16 February 2024

We asked, you said, we did

Below are outcomes for some of the issues we've recently asked about.

We asked

We asked you to tell us about the area in which you live.

You said

You Described your area as:

  • Friendly,
  • Congested,
  • Good Community,                                                                   
  • Quiet(Environment),
  • Busy(Traffic).

Told us what was important to you as:

  • Green Spaces,
  • Being Safe,
  • Open Spaces,                                                 
  • Green Belt Protection,
  • Shops.

What you would change if you could as:

  • Road Maintenance,
  • Stop Development,                                                 
  • Pot Holes,
  • Road Improvements,
  • Traffic Reduction. 

Anything Else about your area as:

  • Congested,
  • Stop Development,
  • Green Belt Protection,
  • Pot Holes,
  • Road Condition.

We did

We analysed the responses and published an Initial Engagement Outcomes report revealing how the community feel’s about where they live.

Initial Engagement Outcomes report 2023

We will use these responses to prepare the Castle Point Plan and will engage on the options for addressing the issues raised in the summer of 2024.